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It has finally arrived ... clear your doubts with e.Rrados

Are you in practice and you feel that you do not understand anything? Are you attracted to R but don't see any way out of your frustration? Are you unable to do the exercises?

You don't need to suffer anymore: with e.Rrados, say goodbye to your problems in R!

But ... what is that of R?

R is a programming language that is used especially in statistics.

You may be wondering what R can bring to your career. You may even think it is a waste of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. R is particularly used in scientific research such as biomedical engineering, bioinformatics ...

Biotechnology is a transversal knowledge, which incorporates different branches of knowledge: genetics, bioinformatics (with a spectacular advance in recent years), economics, biochemistry, among others.

Are you still more curious? Do you want to take motivation? Well then ... don't miss our R for life section!

Nuestros recursos

Accede a una selección de ejercicios y apuntrs


¿Quieres poner a prueba lo que sabes?


Accede a las lecciones aprendidas, así como a vídeos que explican los distintos recursos

¡R para la vida!

Conoce R de la mano de científicos.

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